Cat tractors build highway through Transylavania
Caterpillar’s latest news: building a superhighway through the foggy, gloomy, scary land of Transylvania. (Well, the foggy, gloomy, scary bit was a Hollywood soundstage, but still):
This sleek new $3.2 billion (€2.2 billion) national highway will bring the country’s infrastructure in line with that of its new economic partners. The road will ease traffic jams, improve safety, and open up the country to new possibilities for tourism and trade, likely becoming the preferred route between the Black Sea and Western Europe.
As expected from a project of this size and significance, Cat machines and the local Cat dealer are playing vital roles to help make it all come together as planned.
We will refrain from wisecracks about vampires, werewolves, bats and other oppressed creatures of the night … these are sensitive times we live in.
More on the highway in this Wikipedia entry.
Technical specifications
Excavation: 93,000,000 m3
Fill: 51,000,000 m3
Ballast and crushed stone base: 12,000,000 m3
Drainage pipes: 500,000 lm
Asphalt: 7,000,000 m3
Structures: 62 km
Piling: 560,000 lm
Reinforced and precast concrete: 3,000,000 m3
Yeah, you’d need a few Cats to move that much dirt.