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Obama coming to Caterpillar on Thursday

A Wall Street Journal blog post says the prez is coming to Peoria on Thursday:

Obama will hold a live televised press conference tonight at the White House, and travel to Fort Myers, Fla., on Tuesday for another townhall meeting. Spokesman Robert Gibbs said today that Obama will add a stop on Thursday to Peoria, Ill., to visit Caterpillar Inc.

Turns out the Peoria Journal Star is on the story.

Great quote from Obama insider David Axelrod at Huffington Post:

One thing that we learned over two years,” Axelrod added, “is that there’s a whole different conversation in Washington than there is out here. If I had listened to the conversation in Washington during the campaign for president, I would have jumped off a building about a year and a half ago.”

I seem to recall that very same conversation saying Obama had no earthly chance to become president. So maybe he’s on to something.

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Tom Mangan posted at 10:59 am February 9th, 2009 |

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  1. Greg says:

    Peoria journal star moved the story to their front page:

    Permalink | Posted February 9th, 2009, at 12:32 pm

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