Archive for the ‘Site news’ tag
New Twitter feed for Cat Stock Blog
I’ve added a news feed from to post quickie headlines about cool stuff not directly related to Caterpillar and its stock performance.
Most folks use Twitter to announce their new choice of underarm deodorant or complain about their rectal itch flare-ups, but a crucial minority use it to share headlines and quick observations of news events in real time. When news breaks, Twitter posts start showing up almost immediately: Journalists are already learning to just check Twitter first to find out what’s going on in the world.
Stock market bloggers are using Twitter too. My favorite example is Brett Steenbarger, who typically writes one post a day about the psychology of trading, but uses Twitter to post market stats on trends as they arise.
Paul Kedrosky’s Infectious Greed is another popular blog among techies who follow the markets. His Twitter feed is always interesting.
There are tons of Twitter tools to help you learn the ropes. One of the handiest is Twitter Search.